Senior Pets

Dedicated Senior Pet Care at Sirius Veterinary

As your beloved companion ages, their needs evolve. At Sirius Veterinary Care, our senior pet care services are thoughtfully curated to enhance the golden years of your furry family member. Advancing age brings a spectrum of health considerations for our pets, so we strive to ensure your senior cat or dog navigates their twilight years with comfort and well-being.Below are some of the key components which we focus on in the care of your senior:

Geriatric Screenings:

Our experienced veterinary team conducts thorough evaluations, including blood panels and diagnostic imaging, to identify potential age-related issues.

Specialized Health Monitoring:

A tailored suite of diagnostics to track and manage your pet’s ongoing health needs, adjusting for any age-related challenges.

Nutritional Counseling:

Customized dietary plans that support the unique requirements of senior pets, including recommendations for managing weight, optimizing organ health, and enhancing joint support.

Pain Mitigation for Arthritis:

Personalized care plans to alleviate discomfort and maintain mobility in seniors with arthritis or other orthopedic conditions.Pain does not  have to be an inevitable part of aging for pets, and we strive to keep your furry friend comfortable and active.

Diabetes and Cancer Screenings:

Early detection of these common age-related conditions is crucial; our thorough screenings ensure prompt intervention if needed.

With Sirius Veterinary’s Senior Pet Care, every tail wag and purr is cherished, and every senior moment is filled with love and dedicated attention. Let us guide you and your pet through the senior years with wisdom, compassion, and tailored support to keep them wagging and purring for as long as possible. Say ‘yes’ to quality, comforting care for your loyal companion — reach out to our team at Sirius Veterinary Care today.

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