Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea?

Why Does My Dog Have Diarrhea?

If you’re a dog owner, you know that diarrhea is a common problem in dogs. But you’re asking yourself why does my dog have diarrhea?

There can be several reasons like food intolerance, parasites, and infections. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the causes of dog diarrhea and how you can take care of your dog in case it happens.

dogs, poodle, white boxer

Reasons For Your Pup’s Diarrhea

As a dog owner, there are few things more distressing than seeing your furry friend suffering from diarrhea. There are a variety of reasons why your furry companion may be experiencing this unpleasant symptom.

Some of the most common causes include dietary changes, allergies, bacterial or viral infections, and intestinal parasites. It’s important to keep a watchful eye on your pup’s behavior and stool quality in order to determine the underlying cause of their diarrhea.

With the right approach and some good veterinary care, you can help your canine companion recover and get back to their happy, healthy self in no time!

Here are some common cause of dog diarrhea:

  • Eating Garbage
  • Spoiled Food Ingestion
  • Table Scraps
  • Stress or Anxiety
  • Change in Diet
  • Food Allergies
  • Ingestion of Foreign Objects (Painful Blockage)
  • Ingesting Toxins or Poisons
  • Ingesting Human Medications
  • Intestinal Parasites – Roundworms, Hookworms, Whipworms, Coccidia, or Giardia
  • Viral Infections – Parvovirus, Distemper, or Coronavirus
  • Bacterial Infections – Salmonella
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Pancreatitis
  • Colitis
  • Liver Disease
  • Kidney Disease
  • Intestinal Cancer

french bulldog, puppy, dog

Food Intolerance In Dogs

Food intolerance is one of the most common causes of diarrhea in dogs. Your dog’s stomach can be intolerant to certain foods, and their digestive system may not be able to handle it. Foods like milk, cheese, and fatty foods can trigger diarrhea.

Moreover, sudden changes in your dog’s food can also cause digestive problems. If your dog has diarrhea, try to remember if you introduced any new food into its diet. If you did, remove it immediately and monitor your dog’s health.

Only use specially formulated dog foods, keep them on a bland diet until your dog’s stool returns to normal. Keep your dog’s regular food consistent to prevent soft stools. Consult your vet if diarrhea persists.

dog, adorable, animal

Parasites Cause Dogs Diarrhea

Parasites like worms and giardia are also common causes of dog’s diarrhea. They can enter your dog’s body through contaminated water or food or by grooming itself.

If your dog has diarrhea, look for symptoms like vomiting, weight loss, and lack of appetite.

It’s essential to get your dog treated for parasites as they can cause severe health problems in the long run. Medications prescribed for parasites will treat your pet’s symptoms and have them back to normal in no time.

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Infections and Mild Intestinal Distress

Bacterial and viral infections can also cause diarrhea in dogs. Infections like parvovirus and salmonella can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated quickly.

If your dog has diarrhea, and you notice symptoms like lethargy, fever, dehydration, blood present in stool, and loss of appetite, consult your vet immediately for a physical exam. Lack of appetite, weakness, signs of a compromised immune system, and other symptoms of your dogs suffering should be taken seriously.

Infections can be a very serious health issue. Poisons, viral infections, and seriously abdominal pain are all signs your should take your pet to the nearest emergency animal hospital.

dog, cat, pets

Stress and Watery Diarrhea

Stress can also cause diarrhea in dogs. Changes in environment or routine like moving to a new house, having visitors, or going to the vet can trigger digestive problems in dogs.

Stress induced diarrhea can be treated easily at home with a consistent routine. Make sure to give your dog time to adjust to changes and make the transition as smooth as possible.

If your dog’s bowel movements don’t return to normal, take them to the vet for an initial treatment. Two or more bouts of diarrhea in dogs can be a cause for concern. Frequent bouts of diarrhea due to stress can be help by veterinary medicine.

dog, puppy, pet

Other Medical Conditions

Sometimes diarrhea can be an indication of other underlying medical conditions like inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, or cancer.

If your dog has repeated episodes of chronic diarrhea, consult your vet for a thorough checkup. Your dog’s diarrhea should be taken seriously, as it can be due to something going on in the gastrointestinal tract.

Never give your dog human medications, as that can lead to increased dog suffering. If your dog’s upset tummy continues or dog shows signs of a medical condition, take them to vet as soon as possible to treat their compromised immune system.

puppy, muddy puppy, puppy playing

How To Treat Diarrhea In Dogs

Dealing with a dog suffering from diarrhea can be a distressing experience for any pet owner. Luckily, there are some helpful tips to make it go away.

First, it is essential to deprive your dog of food for up to 24 hours to give its intestines a chance to recover. Any dietary indiscretion can cause dog’s diarrhea.

Then, switch to a bland diet featuring plain cooked white rice, boiled potatoes, natural yogurt boiled chicken, and canned plain pumpkin pie filling for three days.

All of theses foods can help pet owners calm mild diarrhea. You want to be conscious of not making diarrhea worse, so using this bland diet with caution is essential.

Additionally, you should maintain its hydration by offering small amounts of water and electrolyte-enhanced fluids regularly.

In the case where the diarrhea persists, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

It’s possible your dog’s diarrhea requires medications prescribed by a vet. By acting promptly during such situations, you can help your furry friend recover quickly and avoid potential complications.

puppy, dog, pet

When Should You Take Your Dog To The Vet Because of Diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common problem that many dogs experience at some point in their lives. While it is often nothing to worry about, it’s important to know when it’s time to take your furry friend to the vet.

If your dog’s diarrhea is accompanied by other symptoms such as drooling, vomiting, lack of appetite and lethargy, or if it lasts for more than a day or two, it’s time to schedule a visit with the vet.

In some cases, diarrhea can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition or infection that may require you take them to the vet immediately.

By staying alert to your dog’s symptoms and getting them the care they need, you can help them feel better and get back to their happy, healthy selves in no time.

Sirus Veterinary Clinic

If you’re concerned about your dog due to diarrhea, it may be time to take your furry friend to the vet.

Sirus Veterinary Clinic is located in Otsego, Minnesota and we can help your furry friend with any issues in their intestinal tract.

Diarrhea in dogs can be due to various health issues, some small and other large. If your dog is showing other symptoms, bring them in immediately and we’ll get your furry friend back in to tip top shape!

puppy, dog, pet


Diarrhea can be a troubling experience for both you and your dog. However, it’s essential to understand the cause behind it so that you can take the necessary steps to treat it. In most cases, diarrhea in dogs resolves within a day or two.

But if it persists or if you notice other concerning symptoms, it’s crucial to seek help from your vet. Remember, a healthy diet and a stress-free environment are crucial for maintaining your dog’s health, so make sure to take care of your furry friend.